Blocking Dial-A-Porn Calls

A new law is on the way to make it easier for consumers to block calls from pornographic sites. The new law may require marketers to reveal the cost of calls to deter young users from becoming subscribers. The law will also permit users to block suggestive messages on their phones.


To restrict access to dial-a-porn users who are under 18 to access the dial-a-porn service, the FCC has set up rules. These rules require operators to scramble their messages and require payment via credit card, or require an access code that is unique to access the content. The FCC's rules were formulated to safeguard businesses and consumers against being sued for illegal porn calling. The FCC has not been able to control the distribution and distribution of these messages.

Roberts was found guilty of making a series of calls to deliver pornographic images to random persons. He spent more than PS25,000 in making calls and was compelled to sell his home in order to pay for his activities. In addition, he admitted to 15 counts of causing children to view pornographic videos telefonoerotico basso costo. He was also found guilty of four charges of possessing sexually explicit images of children, and causing a public nuisance.

This issue is also blamed on phone companies, however the reality is that they pay for these calls and earn profits from these calls. The Pacific Telephone Company earned more than $27 million in one year by charging customers at minimum two cents per call. These companies have been fighting dial-a-porn since the beginning of time.

This case was decided by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, which said that the FCC is not able to stop Pacific Bell from terminating dial-a-porn services because of the nature of the messages. The FCC has also imposed fines on two firms in northern California for offering dial-aporn services. The action was prompted by an investigation into complaints about the service. The investigation revealed that the access to pornographic content resulted in the molestation of a 10-year-old girl. The investigation also revealed that the girl was suffering from emotional problems after being exposed to pornographic messages.